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Purpose: To connect members or would-be members to an established therapist for the purpose of mentoring in setting  up a private practice or becoming connected to the professional community available in our area.

Process: Contact the Mentor-Mentee Program Chair to set up an interview and assess your needs. The Chair will then provide names and contact information for local therapists who are available to serve as a mentor.

Goal: To make sure new people in our area are aware of the resources in our community, and to let new people in our area know that we are here to support and encourage them getting off to a good start.

Please contact Pat McDermott to set up a meeting ‭| (831) 277-7086‬

The Monterey County Chapter of the California Association of Marriage Family Therapists (MC-CAMFT)  is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. 

P.O. Box 3092, Monterey, CA 93942

Located on Ancestral Native Lands of Rumsen/Ohlone/Esselen Peoples

MC-CAMFT Grievance Policy:  If a grievance regarding CEUs is brought to the attention of the MC-CAMFT Board the board will review it and will vote on the validity of the grievance.  If the grievance is proven valid by the Board a full or partial refund will be given.

ADA Compliance:  All MC-CAMFT luncheons and conferences are held in accessible locations.

Sponsorship Disclaimer:  Products and services described or advertised in these materials occur by contractual business arrangements between MCCAMFT and participating companies and organizations. These arrangements do not constitute or imply MCCAMFT’s endorsement of these products and services. Further, MCCAMFT cannot make specific recommendations for such products, programs or services.

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